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How To Make Money Using Affilate Marketing

How To Make Money Using Affilate Marketing

In this article I will show you 3 steps to earning your first online dollar (probably more). It's
not complicated and you could be making money within a few days.


First things first...decide what market you want to service and do some research to discover, as best you can, if this market could be profitable. When I started I skipped right over this step and tried marketing the first affiliate product that I could find. Big mistake. It cost me time and money. Now there is a bit of a science to researching "niches" and it takes some trial and error to really discover what people are looking for, but if do some google searches for "keyword research" you will find plenty of resources for this purpose.

Hint: Keywords are what the market uses to find what it is looking for, researching keywords will guide you to what the public at large is interested in finding.


The second step, once you've done some homework and decided which market you would like to service, is to find a product that fills their need. For instance, if you are trying to serve people interested in say...computer repair...you might go to a site like http://www.clickbank.com, sign up for an account (it's free) and search through thousands of affiliate products for one that fits your market.

Now as your looking through the different products you may notice that they all provide you with a "pitch page". This is a website page that the company or person who developed the product has designed to sell that product. Clickbank will walk you through having your own "id" attached to that site so that anyone who buys that product through "your" site will be earning you a commission. You can then, having the site address, begin marketing your affiliates site. Which takes us to step 3.


The final step, in this much simplified tutorial, is to begin to get your product in front of the market that it serves...in our example...those people looking for information on computer repair. So lets say that you are now armed with a webpage that is pitching an ebook that reveals "The 10 Most Common Computer Glitches And How To Repair Them.". The fastest way to get directed traffic to your site is to utilize Google Adwords. This is a paid advertising method that will allow you to get your markets attention when they search for the given topic and give them an opportunity to click your ad, thus sending them to your offer. This is how I got started and how many others got started.

Now Adwords is an art in and of itself so you would do well to find information that will teach you the best way to utilize it, but that's a topic for a different article. Once your ad is posted keep close tabs on your stats and keep looking for those sales.

So, there you have it, 3 steps to get you moving in the right direction. Now these steps have been simplified and each step deserves it's own course, let alone it's own article, but I believe in starting with the abstract and moving towards the concrete. Hopefully this article gave you a quick overview of the basic steps, required in one method, to make money online.

If you found this helpful and would like more information on this topic take a look here.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Steve_L._Maher

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